Amazon Product Research for UAE Market

Amazon Product Research

Product Hunting and Product Research is all about the profound screening of current UAE market trends and choosing the “winning” products – that can generate high sales.

1470399594 Web Design
1470399614 Social Media

Premium Product Listings

Successful product listings begin with making your product stand out from the competition. From messaging to SEO keywords to format, small details can mean the difference between making a sale and losing out to a competitor. 

 I’ve directly influenced more than millions in sales across kitchen and home decor, children’s clothes and toys, and hundreds of other products and services!

Tools Used

Data will be provided using the following tools:

  • Helium 10
  • Jungle scout
  • Merchant words
  • Viral launch
  • Keepa
1470399594 Web Design
1470399614 Social Media

Services Includes

  • Products with monthly revenue of $4k – $50k 
  • Detailed Report with Explanation of how the research is performed +  Data Analysis of main competitors, Shipping, and FBA fee calculations to determine approx. net profit.
  • Helium 10 Report – Search Volume, Competing Products, and Giveaway details of top relevant keywords
  • Jungle Scout Report – CSV file showing Monthly Revenue and Selling Details of the first few pages of listing.

free Consultancy

Selling on the world's largest marketplace requires you to stand out from the crowd I can do that for you talk to me today!